AI+ Researcher™

What's included?
  1. Certification Blueprint
  2. E-courseware
  3. Course Resources
  4. Certification
  5. Proctoring 365
  6. Summary Videos


  • modules: 8
  • Examination: 1
  • Examination Time: 50 MCQs, 90 Minutes
  • Passing Score: 70%

About Certification

The AI+ Researcher certification is a comprehensive program aimed at equipping scholars and researchers with the requisite tools and knowledge to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) effectively in their respective fields. Commencing with an Introduction to AI for Researchers, the course establishes a robust understanding of fundamental concepts and methodologies. Subsequent modules delve into specific applications such as Market Research, where AI driven analytics reshape consumer insights, and Scientific Discovery, enabling breakthroughs from vast datasets. Additionally, it covers AI's role in Academic and Scholarly Research, enhancing productivity and dissemination strategies. The curriculum further encompasses AI integration into Research Design and Methodology, emphasizing ethical considerations throughout. Culminating with a glimpse into future trends, the course ensures participants are prepared to navigate and contribute to the dynamic realm of AI-enabled research, fostering innovation across diverse domains.


  • A foundational understanding of AI concepts, no technical skills are required.
  • Openness to exploring unconventional approaches to problem-solving within the context of AI and research.
  • Enthusiastic about uncovering new insights and tools that arise from combining AI technologies with research principles.
  • Willingness to engage critically with ethical dilemmas and considerations related to AI technology in research practices

Certification Modules

  1. 1.1 Understanding AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning
  2. 1.2 Overview of AI Tools and Technologies
  3. 1.3 AI’s Impact on Research
  1. 2.1 Introduction to AI in Market Research
  2. 2.2 Audience Analysis and Persona Creation Using AI
  3. 2.3 Using AI for Branding and Marketing Insights
  1. 3.1 AI in Data Science and Analysis
  2. 3.2 Machine Learning Models in Scientific Research
  3. 3.3 AI for Drug Discovery and Advanced Research
  1. 4.1 Integrating AI into Academic Workflows
  2. 4.2 Ethical Considerations in Academic AI Use
  3. 4.3 AI Tools for Enhancing Academic Research and Writing
  1. 5.1 AI for Qualitative and Quantitative Research
  2. 5.2 AI Tools for Data Visualization and Analysis
  3. 5.3 Case Studies of AI in Research
  1. 6.1 Innovating Research Design with AI
  2. 6.2 AI in Survey Design and Implementation
  3. 6.3 Operational Efficiency and AI
  1. 7.1 Ethical Considerations in AI Research
  2. 7.2 Data Privacy and AI
  3. 7.3 Developing and Implementing Ethical AI Guidelines
  1. 8.1 Emerging Trends in AI Research
  2. 8.2 Preparing for the AI-Driven Research Future

Certification outcome

Upon successful completion of the AI+ Researcher certification, participants will have a thorough grasp of artificial intelligence (AI) principles and their research applications. They'll acquire practical expertise in data analysis, predictive modeling, and knowledge discovery, facilitating seamless integration of AI tools into research design and data collection processes. Emphasizing ethical considerations, including bias and transparency, the course fosters critical thinking skills. Participants will leverage AI approaches to enhance scholarly productivity, unearth novel insights, and address intricate research challenges. Furthermore, they'll be equipped with insights into emerging AI trends, empowering them to contribute meaningfully to the evolving landscape of AI-enabled research endeavors.

Market Insight
The AI+ Researcher course responds to a growing market need for AI skills in research, from market insights to scientific discovery and academic endeavors. With modules covering data analysis, ethics, and future trends, it offers opportunities for AI-driven innovation, shaping a niche for tools enhancing productivity and advancing knowledge across diverse domains.
Value Proposition
Unlock AI's potential in research with the AI+ Researcher course. Gain essential skills across market insights, scientific discovery, and academic research. Navigate ethical considerations and anticipate future trends. Drive innovation and productivity across diverse domains.
Additional Features
Access personalized mentorship throughout the AI+ Researcher course. Benefit from expert guidance tailored to your research goals. Receive feedback and insights to maximize your AI integration journey.